Spinning fingers can't hold the cold sunlight
The hoarse vocal cords can't wake up the fluttering seagulls.
The tip of the foot or the heel of the foot is unreservedly entwined with the ground.
Tongue or hair letting the breeze give it new life.
Scales or tails
Dirt or branches
Lights or LCD screens
Fibers or dander.
Dawn after the symphony
Stepping onto the tightrope of light
We walk together
Till the end of the dawn
Clouds are powerless to wrap our heavy bodies
The birds are lost in the darkness.
Flowers grow wild and spread to our limbs.
To the east
To the west
To the north
To the southeast or northeast
Southwest or Northwest
Inward or outward
Countless xyz axes
Toward the sky or the sea
Suffocating in outer space
Or drowning in the deep
Everything spins
Words and characters fall apart
Hissing or whimpering
Or a never-ending variation of sound
Limbs bursting or reorganizing or stillness unfinished.
Noise wrapped around an empty sphere
Dust dances unnoticed
Wispy strips covered in folds and frosts
Between the brown and green gaps, the secrets of the sun are hidden.
Gradations of emerald green reflect 100,000 lux or 500 lux of light.
White flecks or fluffy hairs hide from the scars.
Inside the red coils are arcs that can't be plunged into
Perched at that obtuse angle

Forgotten by time